Friday, June 24, 2011

There is nothing more beautiful than HOME.

Our life here on earth was not made by chance but rather, He planned it very carefully even before you were born. In my seventeen years of existence here in the Philippines, I am so blessed to live in this country. When I was a child, I really dreamed to travel the world someday. Filipinos as we are, conventionally think that blessed and lucky are those who had gone to other countries, which is very true. I am very sure that you too wanted to see the world and hold it with your own bare hands and taste each crumbles to say how glorious it is to experience this once in a lifetime opportunity. Many of us wished for that. But the question is, have you ever visited the different beautiful spots in your own land? I am a Cebuana, young and adventurous, and I am proud to be one. I am very honored to say that I am a Filipino by heart and soul. There are so many things that I wanted to see in our own native land that is yet to be discovered by me. I really really love to travel and be exposed to different people, religions and cultures. I have seen a lot of different people. Go with the flow, harsh, cool, rude, religious, etc. Speaking about traveling, I know that you would rather stay at home and sleep than spending a lot of money to travel. Well, there are so many ways to spend little, but enjoy a lot. We are very blessed and fortunate to have these natural resources which gave reasons to the people from the other countries to go back again in the Philippines, considered there second home and for me, a very sweet home to stay. Let us take good care of it and value all of these for the sake of many generations to come.Let us appreciate our home, Philippines. MABUHAY PILIPINAS, ATIN PO ITO!



The path through the underground cave.

These two boats here were used during our trip inside the underground cave.

I can still remember how cold the water was flowing through my innocent hands.

Rock formation shows different kinds of images (a very big candle, carrot, etc.  )
A view when we're about to go out in the cave.

After the long hours of sight-seeing and filling up our stomachs with the wonderful sights of Palawan, I now welcome you all to HIBISCUS GARDEN INN and try to experience a home ambiance away from home by treating yourself by there luscious foods, old unique handicrafts and uniting yourslef with the nature by their very peaceful and relaxing environment.

After the relaxation, let's fill up our minds with new knowledge and learning through the educational sight of Palawan, CROCODILE FARM, NATURE PARK.

Upon entering, you'll be oriented about this big crocodile.

If only those cute little corocodiles won't bite, I'll definitely bring all of you back home.

I swar, I'll do this again ♥


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